Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Today, we welcome a new contributing editor to the staff of LOCKERROOM. Noodles is from Bloomington, Indiana, where he is most famous for having been child star of the U of Indiana public access kiddie show "Bumpy the Clown", featuring the clumsiest entertainer in southern Indiana television history. Proof of this remains with Noodles to this day for one time, during a cowboy skit which caused our young friend to be wearing foam-rubber chaps, Bumpy tripped over a wagon wheel, shoving young Noodles into a space heater positioned off stage left. Our little guy was melted over 1.974366% of his body. Part of the settlement involved the establishment and lifelong perpetuation of his own public access station where Noodles, when not making his living as a professsional Mumbletypegs player, espouses constantly on subjects like animal wifery, his fear of close-up magic & moderate extremism. Welcome aboard, friend.

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